I'm Governor Scott Walker and I’ve joined with the National Republican Redistricting Trust to stop President Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder from making the Republican Party a permanent minority.
Former President Barack Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, won’t tell the truth when it comes to redistricting. Their strategy is to “sue until a state is blue” is working, and the National Republican Redistricting Trust is the one organization dedicated to stopping them.
If Obama and Holder are successful, we are looking at the very real possibility that the Republican Party is a near-permanent minority—such that we hold only 145 seats in Congress to the Democrats 290 seats.
We desperately need your help to fight back now, even during the midst of the national COVID-19. You see, Obama and Holder are not letting up—and we cannot afford to wait any longer.
Please add your name below and join me in the biggest fight, outside of the Presidential election, we conservatives have in 2020. We must maintain majority status in state legislatures and governorships, and we must lay the groundwork for taking back the U.S. Congress from Nancy Pelosi. It begins today.
Gov. Walker, I am standing with you and the National Republican Redistricting Trust. I won’t let everything we have fought for to be rolled back by Obama and Holder. I agree, now is the time to fight back. Count me in.